Booth number:W4-054 Leonardo S.p.A.

Exhibition category

main category 1 Aviation
sub category 1 Sales
main category 2 Aviation
sub category 2 Operation
main category 3 Aviation
sub category 3 MRO

Contact address

Address Piazza Monte Grappa, 4
Telephone +3906324731

Main exhibits 1

ISR Capability. Airborne Tactical Observation and Surveillance System and Sensors

ATOS is an advanced Airborne Mission System that integrates and manages various sensors and subsystems in order to perform ISR missions.
The System adopts an advanced Human Machine Interface improving the User Experience and reducing operator workload.
It is suitable for a variety of applications, such as National Security (Anti-Piracy, Counter terrorism, Border surveillance, EEZ control); Law Enforcement (Fishery control, Illegal immigration, Illegal traffic, Anti-pollution); Search and Rescue; Military Applications (Anti-surface warfare, Anti-submarine warfare).
The Suite of mission sensors and other mission equipment can be tailored to meet the specific operational needs of each end-user and can include Leonardo, third parties or GFE mission sensors and equipment.

• Real time collection and handling of mission sensors data
• Maximum level of tactical situation awareness through the integration of navigation, geographical and mission sensor data
• Mission sensors control
• Automatic aiming of electro optical sensors
• Flight plan management
• Mission data recording and capability to store in a digital format high quality video
• Mission data base management and data fusion
• Mission briefing and reporting
• Ground Control Station for mission planning/ following/debrief, simulation and training
• Interoperability with NATO and national assets through STANAG implementation
• Redundant configuration at hardware and software level
• Cyber security compliant
• Customisable configuration including ITAR-FREE solution

ATOS is developed to guarantee Customers with the maximum level of flexibility, it is in fact suitable for short, medium and long range missions and can be installed on RW and FW platforms both manned and unmanned.

Atos Brochure (PDF file - 4,183KB)

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