Logo Data & Banner
Logo Data
Exhibitors are encouraged to use this service for promotion purposes based on the conditions listed below.

- JA2016_logo_cmyk.eps
- 12.5MB
- JA2016_logo_rgb_01.jpg
462px x 2000 px, 300dpi, 240KB

- JA2016_logo_rgb_02.jpg
462px x 2000 px, 300dpi, 244KB

- JA2016_logo_rgb_03.jpg
462px x 2000 px, 300dpi, 224KB

●Conditions of Use
The logo and key visual images for Japan International Aerospace Exhibition 2016, with the exception of specially designated images, are under copyright held by The Society of Japanese Aerospace Companies (SJAC) and are protected by rights of authorship and international treaties. When using these images, the following conditions set by SJAC must be complied.
For non-commercial purposes as follows, images may be used free of charge without obtaining the permission of SJAC.
- When used by companies or organizations exhibiting in JA2016 to promote the exhibition
- When used for personal use or for educational activities such as lectures
- When used for newspaper, television, or other media to report on the activities of SJAC and JA2016
- Images may be used for the above purposes in the following media:
Websites, television programs and commercials, newspaper and magazine articles and advertisements, brochures and flyers, signs, posters, and office products such as business cards, notebooks, and paper bags
- If images are to be used for purposes or in media other than the above, please contact the Japan International Aerospace Exhibition Office for approval.
The following cases of use are prohibited:
- Use for supporting, recommending, libeling or defaming a specific individual, group, or organizational activities.
- Use for a purpose or in a manner that runs counter to the public good.
- Use that misleads people about the activities of SJAC or JA2016.
- When using these images, actions that detract from the original work, including modification of the aspect ratio, removal of a portion of the image, modification of colors, and reversal, are prohibited.
SJAC does not guarantee the reliability or safety of registered materials.
SJAC does not assume liability for any damage whatsoever that may arise through use of materials provided by SJAC.
Please use this below banner or source code for linking to JA2016 Official Website.
●46 x 200 px

<a href="" target="_blank" title="JA2016 Official Site"><img src="" width="200" height="46" border="0" alt="JA2016 Official Site" /></a>
●67 x 290 px

<a href="" target="_blank" title="JA2016 Official Site"><img src="" width="290" height="67" border="0" alt="JA2016 Official Site" /></a>